Sitecore Icon Selector
As Sitecore developers we must never take our mind off the content author experience when building a Sitecore solution. Sitecore itself has a community section dedicated to this very topic.
One of the ways we can do this and mentioned in the post 6 ways to improve your content author experience is to choose unique icons per template to provide content authors with visual clues to the purpose of content items.
Content Tree Icons
Not only should we be providing visual points of reference in the content tree but also in content sections
Template Section Icons
Unfortunately the process of choosing icons can become a bit of a slow and tedious task. Icon Selector allows developers to automatically assign icons to templates and template sections when they are created by defining patterns using the Sitecore Rules Engine.
For more information see the full blog post at non~linear creations
Or to download the module or the source code go to
Happy Coding!